الجهات المنظمة

منظموا المؤتمر

الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم و التكنولوجيا و النقل البحرى

Establishing the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) as a Regional Institute for Maritime Transport started as a notion in the Arab League Transport Committee's meetings on 11th of March, 1970.

Over more than 30 years, the AASTMT has had many achievements in education, training and research in the fields of maritime transport, engineering and management sciences. This is due to the methodological application of modern technology in these fields. The AASTMT was thus able to move from regionalism to internationalism. In 2007, the AASTMT was among the institutes that occupied the first six positions on the list of the ISO''s (International Organization for Standardization) international educational institutes who were to receive the Organization's award for standard levels of higher education.

الكلية الحديثة للتجارة و العلوم

The Modern College of Business and Science (MCBS) is located in the heart of Muscat, in the Sultanate of Oman. MCBS is a private College licensed by the Ministry of Higher Education and established in 1996. In 2004, MCBS sought institutional and program accreditation to offer undergraduate programs/Bachelor degrees in Oman.

MCBS was successful in its application and based on the strength of its submission. MCBS is fully accredited by Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA) and Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities (ASIC), UK. The College offers educational undergraduate and postgraduate programs to meet the needs of individual students, as well as the needs of the business and industrial communities. In addition, MCBS is approved as a Pearson centre to offer BTEC programs.


Associated Journals 

Global Business and Management Research (GBMR)

An International Journal

The Journal of Global Business and Management Research (GBMR) publishes high quality research studies in the field of Business and Management. Being international and inter-disciplinary in scope, GBMR seeks to provide a platform for debate among diverse academic and practitioner communities who address a broad area of business and management issues across the globe. GBMR is an open-access publication. GBMR publishes high quality original papers, theory-based empirical papers, review papers, case studies, and book reviews. Special Issues devoted to important and emerging topics in the field of business and management will occasionally be published.


Management academics, researchers and professionals Business consultants

Indexed/Listed/abstracted in:
  • ProQuest
  • EconLit
  • Gale ERA 2018 Journal List (Excellence in Research for Australia by the Australian Research Council)
  • Cabells
  • Biblioteca
  • IndexCopernicus Journals Master List
  • Libraries Resource Directory (Listed under Information Research Organizations category)
  • Google Scholars
  • Globethics
  • Questia
  • Standard Periodical Directory
  • Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory